Formed in the remote province of Cuneo (Italy) at the beginning of 2011, The Glad Husbands took their first steps blending the musical remains of The Congruence of Motion – a noise band in which both the Albertos (vocals/guitar and bass/guitar respectively) played in their teens and early twenties – with a new rhythmical lymph kindly provided by Slaiver and Dogs For Breakfast’s drummer and post-hardcore veteran Andrea.
As the result of intensive rehearsals the trio recorded a handful of new songs put to tape during the three hottest days of August 2011 under the title of ‘God Bless The Stormy Weather’, a sincere homage to hypocrisy, maladjustment, bad weather, discomfort, hidden aspects of social intercourses and other positive features of everyday life.
Since they don’t know how to define properly the music they play, they’re easily getting used to hide behind this short and effective motto: ‘Rational music played with punk attitude’.
Please somebody help them finding their true identity.


CD digipack deluxe available in the SHOP – 8 tracks – 10 euros